Playing IVlP3 Files
Editing a Program
Deleting Titles
"111dc'lt'k' rifle', high/ Ihc I_la_ Ii',l:
I II Ill,.' di_,t i_, iiI;l_ N/_. ph ".', ",l! )P h, "q_p pl;l_,h;i_ k _ll/_ I)\ I) pl;l_Cl II)AIII IIl_.'nu .ll_l)t<:llS)
2 Ili_hli,,4]ll /'hi1 lh_d¢;nld pit',', ()!',, (I}lC /_/_11"lll,di'lllUi/tl ;Ipl_u;Ir'_l
I ligh]ighl I:}h!/_qcr{sm ;n/d plu-s * It\ /Iht, !,1i! I_n!_lwm _,t lt.'t'll ;I!_I_c'_H_)
I [[iR]lli_}ll lilt JtwIII ill Ihw Pl_L_l;Hn li<,[ ",_U \\anl [(_ dc Iclc
_, Iligll[i_l_t /,_q_,h _ :rod pru,_ <,t)E
0 \\hun ',_u ;_lu lini',hc'd ic;Hi;ll]_lIl_ I}lC I',]:l_ li',l Ild_h]lj_hl l)_//_' an_.l pi_'-'- ()Ix
will bl Iov_loa
In the illustration above, the contents
of the directory SUB-John's,.. will be
inserted in the Program List before the
song My music1.
Inserting Titles
To ins_it titles into the playlist:
1 I1 tilt' disc is I)];tyin£. piuss STOP u) st()p i)laybatk (tile DVI) player
Ill{IJI] IllUI_LI ;Ipl>.';us)
2 lli£hlighl P/_II Wodc';md picss ()K tlhu l'lc!l' Uodt, mcnu al]pu;irs)
3 lliMhlig}/t t:7111/'_q_*_/s* :lnd i)lc',_s ()1',. /the I:dl/ l_ro,_ranl _cluun
;11)pt,;Hs )
! ",c' the lch lighl ;nl<>\\ ]<c'}s I<_ ill()_ c lilt' ]ligh]ighl u_ thu Ploglam
[.isl [st, In\' Lip d(l\',l] ;!IH)\\ kt'_s 1€/Ill;ilk I]/U spot in thu I)lOgfa]]l
List v, huru _,<_u ,.,,ant I_ il]stnl ;i lillt, (the h]_;crtt'd titlu '.',ill Ix- plac,_d
bq/ore the highlightud title)
_, l lighlighl the ._,lamlard/>/al'll_l and use Ihc tip el<)\\I] ;lI'l'O_A keys IO
scit'<l lilt" title.' 3()LI \\ant Io insuH
6 llighlight /_lserland press OK
7 When you aru finished c:i " _mng the playlisl, highlifaht l)o_w and
press OK
YOLI ({Ill St'l lilt' Aui<)pla) ophon to play _,'o{11 dis_ atitomaIically after you
ok)st tilt, disc If;i)
I ]:i(li/] lhc I)VI) playc, i s 111;1111!l/t'lltl (player ()N, no disc playing)
highli<qhl lhc lqr{i,,4,4rJd_,oph<>I1 and ]'nc',,s ()K
2 The Play M(xlu st,Ic'cli<ms ;il_pt'al. l lighlight ihc, Atlllil'Jkly (>plion af'id
pI'L'SS OK to I<)gglc' thc option on/off
Prt%,; Ihu lufl ;LI'I'O\V htllt_n/ to Itqtlln Io tilt' I)lt'vil)tlS illt'l]ti Ol prl'ss
G() I_ACKoAGAIN 1o It'tIl!'l] tl) tilt' II/11111 iiIt'ntl
56 Chapter 4