Using the DVD Player's Menu System
The Play Mode Menu
The DVI) Players Pit O' Mode menu lets you choose difl_'rent ways to play thu disc, To see 1)l_(I '
.ll()+le tnenu options, a dis,: must I',c in the l)Vl) player
Selecting a Play Mode
The first three options it1tilt.' l'k O'Mode tll+._+l]t.idetemline in what ofdef the"titles or tfacks \\ i[l pla_+
on a disc
Standard Play: pla_.'s the discs titles, chapters, indexes, of tracks (depet+tdirtg on the type of
disc itl the player) in their default order (i.e.. chapter 1 of Title 1 plays first, then cl'*aptcr 2 ol
Title 1. etc.)
Random Play: plays the chapters (11each title in random order.
Program Play: Plays the chapters on the disc in the order you have programnaed (you must
select k'dit Program and set up the order in which you \-,,ant the tracks on the disc to play).
This _s where Ihe two fl+_*.sot cD,11e_t _enl, tllve hell+
w.I t_ 10tilled,
1. [f the disc is playing, press STOP (the DVI) Player's main menu
2. Highlight the Plai, Mode menu option
3. Press OK. The PlayMode menu items appear
_. I-{ighlight the desired option and press OK. Pr(gram PkO,will not
"+workunless you have created a program fist
Selecting Random Play plays the
disc's tracks in random order.
Chapter6 67