Operating the Engine Operating Instructions
– 60 – Y53-6008
Medium Duty (R10/06)
CAUTION: To help avoid overtaxing the starter
motor or batteries, or causing engine damage,
follow the recommendations listed below:
• Do not engage starter for more than 30 seconds at a
• Wait two minutes between each attempt to start the
engine. This allows the starter motor to cool and time for
the batteries to regain power.
• If the engine fails to start after a couple of tries, there
could be a malfunction with the engine or other related
system. Make any adjustments or repairs necessary
before trying to start the engine again.
When the engine starts:
• Watch the oil pressure gauge. Oil pressure should rise
within 15 seconds after the engine starts. If the oil pres-
sure does not rise, stop the engine. Find what is wrong
before restarting. Check the Engine Operation and Main-
tenance Manual for the right oil pressure for your vehi-
cle's engine. In most engines, idle pressure should be
about 15 psi.
CAUTION: Never operate the starter motor while
the engine is running. The starter and flywheel
gears could clash or jam, severely damaging
• Wait until normal engine oil pressure registers on the
gauge before idling or accelerating the engine beyond
1000 rpm.
• Watch the air pressure gauge. Wait until both pointers
register at least 100 psi (689 kPa) before releasing the
spring brake and moving the vehicle. Also, check the
alarm system for any type of faults and correct them
before moving the vehicle.
CAUTION: Do not try to put the vehicle in motion
before pressure in the air system reaches 100
psi (689 kPa) because the wheels will still be
locked by the spring brake action.
•Unnecessary stress and possible brake mal-
function could occur if the vehicle is forced to
move before the air system reaches 100 psi (689