Start–Up Operating Instructions
– 14 – Y53-6008
Medium Duty (R10/06)
• Check beneath the vehicle. Are there signs of fuel, oil, or
water leaks?
• Check for damaged, loose, or missing parts. Are there
parts showing signs of excessive wear or lack of lubrica-
tion? Have a qualified mechanic examine any question-
able items and repair them without delay.
• Check your load. Is it secured properly?
Daily Checks
NOTE: The following items (Engine Compart-
ment, Chassis and Cab, and Prestart Checks)
should be checked daily, as a minimum. They
are in addition to, not in place of, federal motor
Carrier Safety Regulations. These regulations
may be purchased by writing to:
Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20402
Engine Compartment Checks — Daily
1. Engine Fluid Levels—add more if necessary.
• Engine oil
• Coolant (check while engine is cold)
• Power steering fluid level
• If your truck has hydraulic brakes, check the fluid
level in the master cylinder reservoir. See page 154
for more information.
2. Engine Belt—check tension and condition of belts. This
is important to ensure proper air compressor and engine
• Measure the belt tension at the longest span of the
belt. See page 142
for further information on check-
ing belt tension.
NOTE: Deflection should be one belt thick-
ness for each foot distance between the
pulley centers.
• If breaks or tears are found, the belt should be
replaced before operating the vehicle.
3. Fuel Filter/Water Separator Draining—check and drain.
Depending on the fuel storage facility, more frequent
draining may be required.
4. Windshield washer reservoir fluid level—fill if necessary.
5. Hood closed before entering cab. Is it latched properly?
Chassis and Cab Checks — Daily
Before entering the cab and operating the vehicle, check the
following equipment for proper maintenance: