Engine Maintenance Preventive Maintenance
– 140 – Y53-6008
Medium Duty (R10/06)
Fuel System
Specification: Use only Diesel Fuel, Grade 2-D, as recom-
mended by engine manufacturers. If you need further infor-
mation on Grade 2-D fuel specifications, consult the Engine
Operation Manual in the glove compartment.
WARNING! Diesel fuel in the presence of an igni-
tion source (such as a cigarette) could cause an
explosion. You could be seriously injured. A
mixture of gasoline or alcohol with diesel fuel
increases this risk of explosion.
CAUTION: If anyone ever pours gasoline into
your fuel tank, drain the entire system. Other-
wise, the pump and engine will be damaged.
Don't try to dilute the gasoline by adding diesel
fuel (see Warning above).
Please follow these recommendations when you are chang-
ing your fuel filters or strainer elements. Your vehicle's engine
will run better and last longer if you do. See the engine man-
ufacturer's recommendations for proper water and micron
Installing Fuel Filters
When removing filters, cover any electrical equipment and
wiring that might get soaked with fuel. Diesel fuel may per-
manently damage electrical insulation.
When installing spin–on (throwaway) filters:
1. Prefill filter with fuel.
2. Moisten gasket with diesel fuel.
3. Hand tighten them only 1/2 to 2/3 turn after gasket con-
tact. Mechanical tightening of these filters may distort or
crack the filter head.
• When replacing a fuel filter element, do not use a substi-
tute. Install only filter elements designed for fuel filtration.
First clean and inspect the shell. Then insert the new
element and fill the container at least 2/3 full of clean fuel
before installing the shell