Brake System Preventive Maintenance
– 150 – Y53-6008
Medium Duty (R10/06)
WARNING! Do not use any replacement part in
the brake system unless it conforms exactly to
original specifications. A nonconforming part in
your vehicle's brake system could cause a mal-
function resulting in an injury accident. Sizes
and types are so related to one another that a
seemingly unimportant change in one may
result in a change in how well the brakes work
for you on the road. If parts do not work together
properly, you could lose control of your vehicle,
which could cause a serious accident.
WARNING! Do not work on the brake system
without the parking brake set and wheels
chocked securely. If the vehicle is not secured to
prevent uncontrolled vehicle movement, it could
roll and cause serious personal injury or dam-
age to the vehicle.
•Use wood blocks (4 in. X 4 in. or larger) against
the front and rear surfaces of the tires. Be sure
the vehicle cannot move.
Cam-actuated brake components such as anchor pins and
brake camshafts are subjected to high temperatures, and
must be lubricated with nonmelting, water resistant brake
grease meeting R–S Specification 0–616 (NLGI–Grade 1).
• Lubricate according to Table 2, “Recommended Mainte-
nance Intervals,” Page 120.
WARNING! Do not apply too much lubricant to
brake components—lubricate sparingly. Exces-
sive amounts of lubricant could contaminate
brake linings, which could reduce brake effec-
tiveness and cause an accident.
Brake and Slack Adjuster Lubrication
According to the interval, pressure lubricate the slack
adjuster and brake camshaft (bracket/tube). Two grease fit-
tings are provided for both the slack adjuster and camshaft
• Use standard chassis lubricant (meeting No. 1 grade
high temperature, water proof specifications).
• Do not use moly-disulfide loaded grease or oil (they may
shorten the service life of the slack adjuster).