Introduction Preventive Maintenance
– 116 – Y53-6008
Medium Duty (R10/06)
This section will help you keep your Medium Duty in good
running condition. There are a number of checks you can do,
and you may be able to do some of the service work yourself.
But please, let your Peterbilt Dealer or Authorized Service
Center do any work you do not have the tools or skill to per-
form. Authorized service mechanics are trained in the proper
technical and safety procedures to maintain your Medium
Duty correctly.
Good driving practices, daily and weekly driver maintenance
inspections, and periodic service inspections by an Autho-
rized Service Center, will help keep your Medium Duty in
good working order and provide many years of dependable
WARNING! It is dangerous to work on a vehicle
without the right know-how and proper tools.
You could be seriously injured, cause damage to
the vehicle, or make your vehicle unsafe to
drive. Do only work you know you are fully able
to do, and for which you have the right tools.
Safety Precautions
• Before attempting any procedures in the engine
compartment, stop the engine and let it cool down.
Hot components can burn skin on contact.
• Be alert and cautious around the engine at all times
while the engine is running.
• If work has to be done with the engine running,
always (1) set the parking brake, (2) chock the
wheels, and (3) ensure that the shift lever or selector
is in Neutral.
• Exercise extreme caution to prevent neckties, jew-
elry, long hair, or loose clothing from getting caught
in the fan blades or any other moving engine parts.
• Disconnect the battery ground strap whenever you
work on the fuel system or the electrical system.
When you work around fuel, do not smoke or work
near heaters or other fire hazard. Keep an approved
fire extinguisher handy.
• Always support the vehicle with appropriate safety
stands if it is necessary to work underneath the vehi-
cle. A jack is not adequate for this purpose.