84 Section 2B: Using the Phone Features
To ignore a call and send it to voicemail, do one of the following:
ⅷ Press Menu (right softkey) and select Ignore.
ⅷ Press End .
To silence the ringer while your device is ringing, do any of the following:
ⅷ Press any key or button except Phone/Talk , Start , OK , Alt , or End .
ⅷ Press Center on the 5-way. (Don’t press Up , Down , Left , or Right .)
ⅷ Slide the Ringer switch to Sound Off to immediately silence all system sounds
including the ringer. (Your smartphone vibrates briefly when you set the Ringer switch to
Sound Off . All sounds remain off until you slide the Ringer switch back to
Sound On .)
When you silence the ringer, you can either press Phone/Talk to answer a call, press
End to send the call directly to voicemail, or let it ring through to voicemail.
You can also ignore a call and send a text message. To set this up, see
“Selecting Your Call Settings” on page 103.
If music is playing when a call arrives, the music pauses as soon as the
device starts ringing, and remains paused during your call. Music playback
resumes automatically when the call ends or the ringing stops. The
Windows Media Player screen remains on if you don’t answer the call, and
it closes if you do. When playback resumes, the Windows Media Player
screen remains in the background.
Did you know?
When you are on a plane, you can turn off your phone and all wireless
services using
Comm Manager (see “Using Comm Manager to Turn
Wireless Services On and Off” on page 221). But you can still wake up the
screen and use any application that doesn’t require wireless services, like
the calendar, music player, and games. You can even read and write email
and text messages while your phone is off, but you cannot send or receive
email or text messages.