Section 5B: Increasing Your Productivity 305
Mobile lets you create digital notes that contain text, pictures, and audio and video.
You can then synchronize these notes with Microsoft Office OneNote 2007 on your computer.
During synchronization, all the notes you create on your Treo Pro smartphone are copied to a
notebook called OneNote Mobile on your computer; you can then drag your notes to other
locations on your computer. You can use OneNote Mobile to do any of the following:
ⅷ Take pictures of business cards and then insert them into OneNote.
ⅷ Take pictures of flip charts and whiteboards in conference rooms and then insert them
into OneNote.
ⅷ Enter text and insert voice recordings (for example, reminders of important events, ideas
for projects, price comparisons, recommendations, blog ideas, and so on) and
synchronize them with your notes.
ⅷ Prepare meeting or travel information in OneNote on your computer and then transfer it to
your smartphone so you can access the information on the road.
Creating a New Note
Just like in Office OneNote 2007 on your computer, OneNote Mobile continuously saves your
note as you create, edit, and close a note.
1. Press Start and select Office Mobile.
2. Select OneNote Mobile .
3. Press New (left softkey).
4. Enter your note text.
5. (Optional) Do any of the following:
Ⅲ Format text: Place the cursor in the middle of the word that you want to format,
press Menu (right softkey), select Format, and select a style. To clear all formatting
for the selected text, press Menu (right softkey), and select Format > Clear All.