Index 464
system password locks 356–358
system requirements 437
system settings 359–364
system sounds. See sounds
tabs 55
taking pictures 231–233, 306, 401
tapping 345, 347, 382
Task Manager 70
adding 270–271
deleting 272
displaying 272
marking as completed 271, 272
prioritizing 271
sending 163
setting options for 272–273
setting reminders for 271, 273
Tasks application 270–273
Tasks entry bar 273
Tasks list 272, 273
Tasks Over The Air. See OTA synchronization
TDD devices. See TTY/TDD devices
technical support 374, 403
telecommunications devices. See TTY/TDD
templates 164, 275, 285, 294
Temporal Key Integrity Protocol. See TKIP
temporary files 193
aligning 287, 299
checking spelling 138, 160, 288
copying and pasting 190, 286
deleting 57
editing 146, 306
entering 62, 67, 353
finding and replacing 285, 310
formatting 287, 305
highlighting 57
indenting 287, 288
inserting predefined 138, 159, 160, 163
moving through 55, 56
resizing 185, 346
searching for 145, 316
setting default size 354
setting input options for 67, 352–354
text files 362
Text Layout command 164
text messages
See also messages
adding attachments 160
checking for 73, 170
creating 103, 158–160
deleting 165, 170
including callback numbers in 171
making phone calls and 78, 84
ng 166
replying to 165
saving 160, 165
selecting links in 169
sending 81, 83, 160, 164
setting options for 171–172
setting priority 160
sorting 171