Index 449
spreadsheets 293
videos 237
Word documents 284
See also media files
beaming 220
browsing 308, 317, 327
clearing temporary 193
compressing or decompressing 318, 319,
copying 227, 281, 290, 318, 326
deleting 227, 247, 281, 318
displaying 48, 237
downloading 189, 320
finding synchronized 282
freeing internal memory and 403
getting from corporate servers 366
moving 281, 288, 303, 326
opening 308, 309, 318
renaming 327
saving 325
searching for 303, 316
selecting multiple 318
sending 155, 160, 177, 217
sorting 317
synchronizing 42, 226, 247, 280
troubleshooting sync problems for 391
viewing error information and 362
Files sync folder 42, 227, 281
call lists 81, 82
contacts 260
events 268
messages 145
spreadsheets 301
tasks 272
Find/Replace command 285
contacts 77, 144, 259
data in spreadsheets 302
email messages 145
information 316
synchronized files 282
text 285, 310
user names 115
firewalls 366, 387, 391
5-way navigator 22, 54, 57, 402
Flicker Adjustment option 236
flight mode 221
accessing Outlook 391
browsing 308, 317, 327
copying files to 227, 281, 290, 318, 326
creating 288
displaying items in 48, 2
emptying mail 146, 150
emptying message 171
finding synchronized files in 282
moving items among 288, 303, 318
organizing items in 241, 317
receiving messages and 138
removing items from 227, 247, 281, 318
renaming 327
searching 303, 316
selecting media files and 251, 252
storing pictures or videos in 231, 233