Section 6C: Customizing Your Treo™ Pro Smartphone by Palm 365
Connection Settings
Managing ISP Settings
Your Treo Pro smartphone is already set up to connect to the Internet using a high-speed
data connection on the Sprint network. To connect to the Internet, simply start Internet
For special situations, such as connecting to your ISP (Internet service provider) or a remote
access server (RAS), you can set up another connection. Before you begin, obtain the
following information from your ISP or system administrator:
1. Press Start and select Settings.
2. Select the Connections tab, and then select Connections .
3. On the Tasks tab, select Manage existing connections.
4. Select the Modem tab.
5. Highlight the connection you want to view or change, and then select Edit, or to create a
new connection, select New.
6. Follow the onscreen instructions for editing or creating the connection.
7. Press OK when finished.
Before You
Obtain the following information from your ISP or system administrator:
• ISP server phone number or access point.
•User name.
• Password.