Chapter 6 : Personal information 79
Use Contacts for the first time
1 Open Contacts .
2 Do one of the following:
• To set up your first online account to sync: Tap the account type,
enter the account information, and tap Sign in.
• To set up a second online account to sync: Ta p Add An Account,
tap the account type, enter the account information, and tap
Sign In.
• To open Contacts without creating an online account: Tap Done.
This opens your Palm profile account, and you can start creating
contacts in this account.
NOTE If you add your Facebook account to Contacts, your friends’ Facebook
email addresses show up in Contacts. Changes you make on your phone to
email addresses from Facebook do not sync to Facebook on the web. You also
cannot add friends to your Facebook account from Contacts. To work directly
with Facebook on your phone, go to the Web application (see Web).
Create a contact
You can add a contact to any account except Facebook. If you don’t specify
the account, the new contact is added to your default account.
If you are using Contacts for the first time, you go through a few different
steps to get or access the contacts on your phone (see Use Contacts for the
first time). Follow this procedure to add contacts directly on your phone
after the first time you use Contacts.
1 Open Contacts .
2 Tap .
3 (Optional) Tap the account button to the right of Name to change the
account to which the new contact will be added.
* Account button, showing Palm profile account