50 Chapter 4 : Phone
If you created a reminder in the contact info of a caller, the reminder appears
as a notification when you make a call to or receive a call from the person.
See Assign a reminder message to a contact.
Manage a call
Do any of the following:
• Put the call on speakerphone: Tap .
• Mute the microphone so you can’t be heard: Tap .
• Open the dial pad to enter numbers for navigating phone trees,
responding to prompts, and so on: Tap .
• Add a call: See Make a second call.
• Adjust call volume: Press Volume.
* Volume
End a call
Do one of the following:
• Tap .
• If a headset is attached, press the headset button.
Use another application while on a call
While you’re on a call, you can use many other applications on your phone,
for example, the personal information applications (Contacts, Calendar, and
so on). You can also send and receive text messages. But you can use the
network for only one activity at a time—phone or data—so you cannot use
the network to browse the web, send and receive email, or send and receive
multimedia or instant (IM) messages. To browse the web or send and
receive email or IM messages during a call, you must connect to a Wi-Fi
network. See Wi-Fi.
TIP You don’t need an on-hold button to put a call on hold. Just tap the mute
icon to mute your end of the line.
DID YOU KNOW? You can send and receive text messages during a call. This
is a great way to stay connected with friends and colleagues during a long call.