36 Chapter 2 : Basics
2 Swipe right or left on the thumbnails to see featured and popular
applications, or do one of the following:
• To searc h by na me : Tap Search, enter the search term, and press
Enter .
• To view apps in a popular category: Under Top Tags, tap the
category you want.
• To browse apps by category: Tap Ta g Cloud at the bottom of the
category list, and tap the category you want.
3 To sort your search or browse results by date, name, rating, or price,
tap the button at the bottom of the screen.
4 When the app you want appears onscreen, tap the name to display
app details.
5 On the app details screen, do any of the following:
• Tap a screenshot to see a larger view.
• Ta p See Reviews to read all reviews.
• Ta p Home to go to the app developer’s home page.
• If available, tap Support to go to the developer’s product support
• Open the application menu and tap Flag as inappropriate to flag
the item as inappropriate.
6 To purchase the app, tap Download. If you have already installed the
application, you do not see a Download button. Tap Update if an
update is available. If the app is not free, you are taken to the
developer’s website to purchase the app.
NOTE Tapping Download or Update commits you to buy an application, so
before you tap it, know whether the app is free, must be bought, or can be
downloaded in a trial version before you buy it. You also need to make sure
you have enough storage space on your phone to fit the app. Open Device
Info and look at the Available field under Phone.
7 After you download an app, tap Tap to L aunc h to open it. The app
also now appears as an icon in the Launcher, so you can open it from
the Launcher as well.
Copy files between your phone and your
Copy iTunes media files from your computer to your phone
You can easily transfer pictures, videos, podcasts, and DRM-free music files
from iTunes on your computer to your phone. While you use media sync,
you can’t make or receive calls or use other wireless features such as email
or the web.
DID YOU KNOW? After you purchase an application, you can tap the stars
on the app details screen to rate it, or tap Add Review to write a review.