14 Chapter 2 : Basics
Set up your phone
1 Press and hold the power button on the upper-right corner of your
phone until you see a logo on the screen (approximately five seconds).
Please be patient while your phone starts up.
2 Follow the onscreen instructions to complete setup. To create a Palm
profile, enter a working email address and a password (see What is a
Palm profile?). Be sure to make a note of your password and keep it in
a safe place.
IMPORTANT If you see a notification that an update is available, tap Install
Now to install it. Palm periodically sends updates to enhance the applications
and features on your phone.
Your phone is ready to use. To learn how to make your first call, see Make
Verify your profile
After you finish setup, look for an email on your computer at the address you
used for your Palm profile. Click the link in the email to do the following:
• Verify your Palm profile.
• Select a security question and answer.
• Follow a link to learn about getting data like contacts and appointments
onto your phone from your desktop organizer software (see Transferring
What is a Palm profile?
A Palm profile connects your phone to Palm to get automatic updates, back
up your data, and more. Specifically, your Palm profile backs up data that is
not stored in an online account such as Google or Exchange (see
Transferring Data).
NOTE You cannot access Palm profile data on the profile website—you can
access the data on your phone only.
Your Palm profile also allows you to do a remote erase of the data on your
phone if your phone is lost or stolen.
NOTE If you want to erase data on your phone while you still have it—for
example, before you give it to someone else—perform a partial or full erase
(see Erase data and reset your phone).
Setting up a Palm profile is different from setting up email on your phone. To
set up email, see Set up email. To change your Palm profile information after
you have set it up, see Update your Palm profile settings.
TIP If your phone does not turn on after you insert the battery and press and
hold power, you need to connect your phone to the AC charger to charge it
(see Charge the battery).
TIP If you don’t see the confirmation email in your Inbox, check your spam
mail folder in your desktop email program.