22 Chapter 2 : Basics
Select text: Tap the location to insert the cursor. Press and hold Shift .
Place your finger anywhere onscreen and drag your finger in the direction
you want to select text.
Drag and drop
Tap and hold the item, drag it, and then lift your finger to drop it. Sometimes
you get a visual cue that the item is ready to be dragged. For example, an
icon in the Launcher is ready to be dragged when you see a halo around the
icon. A card in Card view is ready to be dragged when it changes size and
becomes transparent.
Delete a list item
Throw the item off the side of the screen. If prompted, tap Delete to confirm
the deletion.
The delete gesture is available in applications such as Email, Messaging,
Tasks, Music, and Bluetooth. If you can’t delete a list item by throwing it,
open the item and look in the application menu for a delete command.
Open applications
You can have as many applications open at one time as you like, limited only
by the amount of memory available on your phone at the time.
TIP To delete multiple list items, throw each one off the screen. If you get the
Delete confirmation prompt after throwing the first item, you don’t need to
tap it—just throw the second item, and the first deletion is confirmed