Network Install: Windows & Novell (cont.)
Client Computers
Installing the Drivers on Client
Clients with Windows 2000 & Windows NT
4.0: Push Installation
□ Copy the driver files from the C7000/C9000 CD
(\Drivers\Nt40 or Win2K\English\Pcldrv or Psdrv)
to the network directory of your choice.
□ At the host computer, open Network Neighborhood,
then double-click the client computer on which
you wish to install the drivers.
□ Double-click the Printers folder, then click Add
□ Make sure Print Server/[Computer Name] is
selected, then click Next.
□ Follow the Add Printer Wizard to add the drivers
from the network directory where you installed
them onto the selected client computer.
□ Click the driver to be installed, then click Next.
□ Click Next and follow the on-screen instructions to
complete the installation.
□ Repeat the process for each client computer, then
do a quick check of the client computers to be sure
that the driver was installed.
Clients with Windows Me &
Windows 98/95: Pull Installation
□ Copy the driver files from the C7000/C9000 CD
(\Drivers\Win9x\English\Pcldrv or Psdrv) to a
shared network directory of your choice.
□ On the client computer, click Start ® Settings ®
Printer ® Add Printer.
□ Use the Add Printer Wizard to install the drivers
from the network directory to the client computer.
Printing Directly from a Windows
To use this feature, you must have an IP address
established and a printer driver installed.
□ In the main Menu Installer dialog box, click the
button beside Direct Network Printing.
□ Follow the on-screen instructions to install OkiNet
Connect, then exit the Menu Installer.
□ Use OkiNet Connect to create a new port.
□ Configure each client’s printer driver(s) to the
network port (see “Set IP Monitor” on page 12).
Activating the Duplex Unit and Hard
Drive in the Driver
If your printer has either the duplex unit or the
internal hard drive (both standard on Model
C7400dxn), you must enter the driver and activate
them before using them.
These procedures are also used when installing
optional memory SIMMs, auxiliary paper trays
and High Capacity Feeder. See “Accessories” in
the on-line C9000 Series Desktop User’s Guide.
To activate the Duplex Unit and Hard Disk
Drive in the PCL driver:
□ Click Start ® Settings ® Printer.
□ Right click the OKI C7200 or C7400 PCL printer
icon, then click Printing Preferences (Windows
2000), Properties (Windows Me/98/95) or
Document Defaults (Windows NT 4.0).
□ In the Paper tab, click Device options, then click
Duplex option unit and Printer hard disk.
□ Click OK twice, then close the Printers dialog box.
To activate the Duplex Unit and Hard Disk
Drive in the PostScript driver:
□ Click Start ® Settings ® Printer.
□ Right click the OKI C7200 or C7400 PostScript
printer icon, then click Properties.
Windows 2000 and NT 4.0:
- Click the Device Settings tab.
- Scroll down to Installable Options.
- Click Duplex, then click Installed in the box
below; do the same thing for Hard Disk.
Windows Me, 98 and 95:
- Click the Device Options tab.
- Click Duplex, then click Installed in the box
below; do the same thing for Hard Disk.
□ Click OK, then close the Printers dialog box.