2-14 Chapter 2: 7401-4xxx Product Overview
External Connectors Internal Connectors
RS-232 9 pin D shell (two, one
with +12 V power option)
Integrated Scanner (7401)
PS/2 Keyboard Motion Sensor / Power Indicator
Customer Display PCI Expansion header
Cash Drawer IDE
IRDA Parallel port (POS Board header)
20-pin high density RS-232
Conversion connector
Cash Drawer port (POS Board
Flash Disk Interface (Discontinued)
The 7401-45xx processor board provides support for a flash disk array
in the form of an M-Systems DiskOnChip. A 32-pin socket is provided
for this feature. The flash disk must be installed and enabled in BIOS
Setup. This feature is not available on the 7401-46xx processor boards.
NCR Retail Specific Hardware
The 7401-4xxx Processor Board contains logic that provides support for
the custom retail interface. The logic controls the following features:
• Magnetic Stripe Reader Interface
• Motion Detector
• Touch Screen Interface
The MSR interface supports a maximum of 3 tracks of magnetic stripe
information for support of ISO format cards. Activate the MSR
interface by enabling it in BIOS Setup under IO Configuration. The
MSR interface controller is a memory-mapped device, which can reside
at system memory addresses CA000, CC000, or D0000. If MSR
capability is not desired, it may be disabled through BIOS Setup.