Chapter 8: NCR 7401/7890 or 7892 Scanner Differences 8-3
The motion events are documented in the NCR OPOS Online Help file
that comes with the NCR OPOS software. The help file is also available
on the IPP web site (search for a Title containing OPOS). Use of the
motion detector without using the NCR OPOS drivers is not
recommended and is currently not documented.
If the application is not using NCR OPOS, it must prepare the scanner
to read using the Enable Scanner command and the Start Scanner
command sequences. These commands are the same as the 7890 and
7892 commands as documented in the NCR Scanner/Scale Interface
Programmer’s Guide.
Once the Start Command is successfully issued, the motor and laser are
turned on for the Active Time period. The application should keep
track of the time so that at the end of the Active Time period, the Start
command is re-issued or some other procedure is performed to
continue the transaction. As noted in the OPOS paragraph above, the
design of these procedures should be carefully considered to limit
customer frustration.
Programming the 7401 Scanner Using Programming Tags
Obtain the following Scanner Programming Tags (BST0-2121-74):
• Programming Mode
• Hex 3
• Hex 0
• Hex 7
• Save and Reset
• Default
1. Power cycle the 7401 terminal.