
6-24 Chapter 6: Operating System Recovery
NCR 7401-4xxx NT Operating System Recovery Software
(LPIN: D370-0553-0100)
Note: This product should only be used on 7401 terminals with a
Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 license.
The 7401-4xxx NT Operating System Recovery Software provides the
means of restoring the operating system to the hard disk of a 7401-45xx
terminal that has a Summa processor board or s 7401-46xx terminal that
has Summa II processor board. The bootstrap program (di_intel.bsd)
and disk recovery boot image (di_intel.bid) are downloaded to the
target terminal over the network and restore the hard disk to the
preinstalled state as shipped from the factory. The following software is
Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 with Service Pack 6a
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 (6.0.2800.1106 SP1)
SMI Lynx 3DM Video (4.00.1381.0178)
SoundFusion Audio (4.01.2086)
ESS Allegro Audio (
Intel 82559 Ethernet LAN (
Windows Installer (2.0)
MicroTouch (5.63 SR3)
ATX Printer (1.05)
The following drivers are not installed automatically, but can be
installed from their respective locations:
Backpack CD-ROM (2.04) C:\Install\Drivers\CDRom
Edgeport USB (2.15) C:\Install\Drivers\USB
Magtec MCR ((1.01.07) C:\Install\Drivers\Magtec
USB Camera (2.15) C:\Install\Drivers\Camera