Chapter 6: Operating System Recovery 6-25
Configures the following settings/revisions:
• Preinstalls NT to include the Product ID Number (PID)
• Places the Gold Drive Part Number, Date Created, LPIN, and
Release in Registry under:
HKey-Local_Machine\Software\NCR\Gold Drive
• Runs Sysprep (so that the mini installation will run on initial boot)
with the following parameters:
− Automatically include PID
• Host.cmd set in RunOnce to update the registry
• Establishes a 2gb FAT16 primary system partition
• Establishes a secondary NTFS partition that fills the remainder of
the drive
• Includes necessary OS cab files in C:\Install
• Makes SP6a folder available in C:\Install (installed)
• Installs SMI Control Panel (4.3.5)
• Installs Intel Proset utility
• 'Enable PME' (in Intel Proset utility) set to 'Hardware Default'
• Makes PinPad testing folder available in C:\Install\Drivers\PinPad
• Replaces the standard EULA with the NCR-specific EULA.
• Installs MS SNMP, set to Manual
• Disables SoundFusion Audio drivers in Devices Startup
• Disables ESS Audio drivers
• Runs TerminalCheck.exe in Run registry to determine correct
hardware platform (otherwise it will shut down)
• Runs EnableAudioDriver.exe in Run registry to enable the
appropriate sound driver (SoundFusion or ESS)
• Enables DMA (DMACheck.exe provided in C:\Install)
• Hides MS splash screen by adding /noguiboot parameter to boot.ini
• Starts SerMouse device so trackball works properly