26 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
You may notice that in a given user’s profile directory, there are more files
and directories than those listed in the example above. This may be due to the
files and directories created by the user. For example, when the user logs on, if
the server-based profile is found to be more recent than the one on the local
computer, the entire contents of the User Profile path is copied to the client
workstation and is then written back to the server when the user logs off. If the
user has saved any documents in the home directory and the home directory is
in the user’s User Profile path, the documents become part of the User Profile.
These documents are downloaded when you log on to the network and written
back to the server when you log off the network. Note that this process could
slow down the logon process considerably.
Log Files Used by Profiles
Log files are binary files that track changes to a profile. As changes are made,
they are recorded in a log file and then written to NTuser.xxx. If for some rea-
son, the changes cannot be recorded in NTuser.xxx, they are applied at the
next logon. When a user makes a change to his or her profile, the change is
made to the user's locally cached profile, even if a mandatory profile is in use.
(In this case, the changes are not propagated to the server copy and are
overwritten the next time the user logs on.) If the user has a roaming User Pro-
file, when the user logs off, the NTuser.dat file is copied to the server and the
changes are saved (unless the profile is being used in a local mode).
The All Users Shared Profile
The All Users profile directory contains common groups that apply to all users
logging on locally to a given workstation. When a user logs on, programs and
shortcuts from the All Users profile are also available to the user—in addition
to the user’s personal User Profile programs and shortcuts. Note that the All
Users profile on a domain controller does not apply to domain users logging on