6 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
settings, and portions of the registry can be saved as files, called hives. These
hives can then be reloaded for use as necessary. User Profiles take advantage
of the hive feature to provide roaming profile functionality.
The User Profile registry hive is the NTuser.dat in file form, and is mapped
to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER portion of the registry when the user logs
on.The NTuser.dat hive maintains the user’s environment preferences when
the user is logged on. It stores those settings that maintain network connec-
tions, Control Panel configurations unique to the user (such as the desktop
color and mouse), and application-specific settings. The series of profile di-
rectories store shortcut links, desktop icons, startup applications, and so forth.
Together, these two components record all user-configurable settings that can
migrate from computer to computer. Details are provided below.
Configuration Preferences Stored in the Registry Hive
The NTuser.dat file contains the following configuration settings.
• Windows NT Explorer settings. All user-definable settings for Windows NT
Explorer, as well as persistent network connections.
• Taskbar. All personal program groups and their properties, all program
items and their properties, and all taskbar settings.
• Printer settings. All network printer connections.
• Control Panel. All user-defined settings made in the Control Panel.
• Accessories. All user-specific application settings affecting the
Windows NT environment, including: Calculator, Clock, Notepad, Paint,
and HyperTerminal, among others.
• Help bookmarks. Any bookmarks placed in the Windows NT Help system.
Configuration Preferences Stored in Profile Directories
The profile directories are designed to contain the following configuration
• Application data. Application-specific data, such as a custom dictionary for
a word processing program. Application vendors decide what data to store
in this directory.
• Desktop. Desktop items, including files and shortcuts.
• Favorites. Shortcuts to program items and favorite locations.
• NetHood.* Shortcuts to Network Neighborhood items.
• Personal. Shortcuts to program items. Also a central store for any docu-
ments that the user creates. Applications should be written to save files
here by default.
• PrintHood.* Shortcuts to printer folder items.
• Recent. Shortcuts to the most recently used items.
• SendTo. Shortcuts to document storage locations and applications.
• Start Menu. Shortcuts to program items.
• Templates.* Shortcuts to template items.
* These directories are hidden by default. To see these directories, change the View Options.