
38 Endcaps and COM Ports
MX3X User’s Guide E-EQ-MX3XOGWW-N
Endcap Combinations
Left Port Right Port
Serial COM3 Serial COM1 Audio Jack
Serial COM3 USB Client Audio Jack
USB Host Serial COM1 Audio Jack
USB Host USB Client Audio Jack
Scanner* Serial COM1 Audio Jack
Scanner* USB Client Audio Jack
Serial COM3 Serial COM1 Antenna
Serial COM3 USB Client Antenna
USB Host Serial COM1 Antenna
USB Host USB Client Antenna
Rear IR Port is COM2.
Barcode scanners, tethered to the serial port on a cradle, send ASCII data to the MX3X in the
cradle through the COM2 Port.
Tethered Scanners
Do not connect a tethered scanner cable to a mobile device’s USB-C or USB-H labeled endcap
port. These ports cannot power a tethered scanner. Tethered scanners connect to RS-232-labeled
ports on the endcap and can connect to the RS-232 port on a powered cradle.
The MX3X Scan buttons have no effect on tethered barcode scanners (connected to a serial port).
Tethered scanners read barcode scans only when the trigger on the tethered scanner is pressed. The
tethered scanner requires power on pin 9 of the mobile device’s serial port.
To set the MX3X to use a tethered scanner, select Start | Settings | Control Panel | Scanner |
COM1 (or 2 or 3).
Tap the Power on Pin 9 (+5V) checkbox for the COM port selected. The COM port that accepts
the scanner data can be configured for data rate, parity, stop bits and data bits.
See Also: Section titled Cradles when using a tethered scanner with a powered cradle.
USB Port
The USB port requires a 9-pin to USB cable (available from LXE). The 9-pin port/USB port also
supports serial data transfer (using a null modem cable) and non-host USB I/O at 1.5 Mbps. The
operating system automatically detects the USB cable configuration. Refer to section titled
Accessories in this guide for part numbers for the 9-pin USB cable and the null modem cable.