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E-EQ-MX3RFIDRG-A MX3-RFID Reference Guide
Remote Desktop Connection
Access: Start | Programs | Remote Desktop Connection
There are few changes in the CE .NET version of Remote Desktop Connection as it relates to the
general desktop Windows PC Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection options.
Select a computer from the drop down list and tap the Connect button.
Tap the Options >> button to access the General, Display, Local Resources, Programs and
Experience tabs. Tap the "?" button to access Remote Desktop Connection Help.
Note: Custom Key Maps: before connecting to a host using Remote Desktop Connection, go to
Start | Settings | Control Panel | Keyboard and select 0409 from the keymap popup. Tap
Note: LXE RFIDConfig is included here for backward compatibility with earlier versions of the
Access: Start | Programs | LXE RFIDConfig or
Start | Settings | Control Panel | RFID
Control Panel parameters established in Power Properties affect the mobile device operating
system. Power Management settings in the RFID Configuration utility governs power
management of the RFID reader only.
Access: Start | Programs | Transcriber
Select Transcriber on the Start | Programs menu. To make changes to the Transcriber
application, enable or disable the current Transcriber session, etc., tap the “hand with a pen” icon
in the toolbar. Tap the “?” button or the Help button to access Transcriber Help.
Windows Explorer
Access: Start | Programs | Windows Explorer
There are a few changes in the CE .NET version of Windows Explorer as it relates to the general
desktop PC Windows Explorer options. Tap the “?” button to access Windows Explorer Help.