E-EQ-MX3RFIDRG-A MX3-RFID Reference Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction
The LXE® MX3-RFID mobile device is a rugged, portable, hand-held Microsoft® Windows® CE
.NET equipped device capable of wireless data communications.
It is the RFID version of the LXE MX3X Xscale mobile device.
The mobile device can transmit information using a 2.4 GHz radio (with an internally mounted
antenna) and it can store information for later transmission wirelessly or via an InfraRed or USB
port. The device can be scaled from a limited function batch computer to an integrated RF
scanning computer.
The mobile device is horizontally oriented and features backlighting for the display. The touch-
screen display supports graphic features and Windows icons that the Windows CE .NET operating
system supports. The keys on the keypad are constructed of a phosphorescent material that can
easily be seen in dimly lighted areas.
The MX3-RFID has an RFID module permanently attached to the back of the device. The module
protects the RFID antenna and tag reader. A passive vehicle cradle is available that has been
designed specifically for the MX3-RFID devices deeper back cover.
Device-specific cables are available. The stylus in the Stylus Kit (shipped with each unit) is used
to assist in entering data and configuring the unit. Protective film for the touchscreen is available
as an accessory.
Note: Until the main battery and backup battery are completely depleted, the mobile device is
always drawing power from the main and backup batteries (On).
When to Use This Guide
As the reference for LXE’s MX3-RFID mobile device, this guide provides detailed information on
its features and functionality. Use this reference guide as you would any other source book –
reading portions to learn about the device and it’s capabilities, and then referring to it when you
need more information about a particular subject. This guide takes you through all aspects of
installation and configuration.
Instruction and safety information for the general user are contained in the “MX3-RFID User’s
This chapter, “Introduction”, describes this reference guide’s structure, contains setup and
installation instruction, briefly describes data entry processes, and explains how to get help.