98 Control Panel Options
MX3-RFID Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RFIDRG-A
Advanced Tab
Note: Scanner control panel options are based on the installed software version levels, driver
and OS versions in the MX3-RFID. Your Scanner options may or may not be as described
in this section. Contact your LXE representative to obtain current software and drivers
for your mobile device.
Translate Control Codes
Note: If your Advanced tab scanner panel has four button choices, as shown above, then when
the Prefix/Suffix button is tapped, CTRL codes are passed through in Block mode.
If “Translate Control Codes” is checked, unprintable ASCII characters (characters below 20H) in
scanned barcodes are assigned to their appropriate CTRL code sequence when the barcodes are
sent in Character mode.
When “Translate Control Codes” is not checked and “Send Key Messages” is checked, CTRL
codes are passed through in Block mode.
Strip Leading / Strip Trailing Characters
This feature, when enabled, strips the specified number of characters from a barcode, either from
the beginning (leading) or at the end (trailing), or both.
When this feature and the Add Prefix and / or Add Suffix fetaures are both enabled, the leading
and trailing characters are stripped before the prefix or suffix is appended.
The configuration for stripping leading and trailing characters is specified independently. To
enable, either or both of the checkboxes labeled Strip Leading and Strip Trailing must be checked.
Then the number of characters to be stripped can be typed into the edit control or set using the spin
control on the right of the edit control.
The maximum number of characters that can be stripped is 99 characters for each leading and
trailing number of characters. When the Strip Leading and Strip Trailing checkboxes are blank (or
disabled), the edit controls are disabled; however the last specified number of characters to strip is
retained and dimmed.
When the number of characters to be stripped is greater than the number of characters in the
barcode a good read beep is sounded but all barcode data is discarded.