MERLIN LEGENDCommunications System Release 6.1
System Planning
Issue 1
August 1998
Before You Begin
Page 1-6Requirements for Supporting CTI Applications
Requirements for Supporting CTI
Applications 1
If your site will take advantage of the Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)
capabilities of the MERLIN LEGEND Communications System (Release 5.0 or
later), each Client Desktop must have one extension associated with a computer
that is networked to a Telephony server which in turn is connected to the MERLIN
LEGEND Communications System through a CTI link. Figure 1–1 on page -7
shows the system configuration for support of CTI applications.
Use the following resources and procedures to implement a CTI application.
1. Complete the appropriate MERLIN LEGEND/Telephony Services
Preliminary Survey for the application being sold.
■ The Preliminary Survey is available from the SDSC Techni-Fax
(1 888 297-4700 select the appropriate prompts), or from
IntraWorks at http://www.bcs.lucent.com/tech_info/sdsc/forms.
■ The survey is completed by the A. E. and Customer.
2. Contact the Sales and Design Support Center (SDSC) for CTI pre-sale
■ The A.E. should contact the SDSC (1 888 297-4700 select the
appropriate prompts to reach the MERLIN LEGEND split) to discuss
customer requirements and potential solutions. If the CTI solution is
deemed appropriate, then the A.E. must obtain the appropriate
MERLIN LEGEND/Telephony Services Preliminary Survey.
3. Return the completed Survey after the sale is made.
■ The A.E. will coordinate and monitor the relationship between the
OEM and the customer.
■ The A.E. will put the DOSS Order Number on the completed survey.
■ For Phonetastic:
— Fax the completed survey to the Phonetastic™ Outsource
Partner Desk (1 801 984-1120, Attention Phonetastic
Outsource Coordinator).
■ The OEM will assign an Outsource Partner.
■ The OEM will establish an implementation date with the customer.
■ The OEM Outsource Partner will complete the Statement of Work
(SOW) for the customer.