MERLIN LEGENDCommunications System Release 6.1
System Planning
Issue 1
August 1998
Data Communications
Page 5-40Creating Data Hunt Groups
Creating Data Hunt Groups 5
Use these instructions if the system has a group of modems or ISDN terminal
DHGs are data calling groups that provide uniform call distribution among a group
of modems or a group of ISDN terminal adapters (such as the Ascend Pipeline
25PX or 50). DHGs support the following:
■ Modem pools
■ Dedicated lines for data service
■ A local host computer
■ A workstation that functions as a gateway on a LAN
For more information, see the “Planning Overview,” earlier in this chapter. For
information on modem pools, see application note,
Communications System Modem Pooling
Guidelines 5
Use the following guidelines for the procedure in this section:
■ Members of a DHG must be extension jacks of the same type: all analog or
all MLX.
■ You can assign up to 32 DHGs or calling groups, or a combination of both
types. Each DHG can have a maximum of 20 members and each data
station can be a member of only one DHG.
■ You can designate particular lines/trunks or pools (Hybrid/PBX mode only)
to ring directly into a DHG. However, incoming calls on a given line/trunk
can be directed to only one DHG.
■ Extension numbers 770–791 and 7920–7929 are reserved automatically
for calling groups and DHGs. If you want to change the extension numbers
assigned to a DHG, see the information about reassigning extension
numbers described in Chapter 2, “Control Unit Configuration.” The same
considerations apply to data stations and voice extensions.
Forms Needed 5
■ Form 2a, System Numbering: Extension Jacks
■ Form 2c, System Numbering: Line/Trunk Jacks
■ If the system has trunk pools (Hybrid/PBX mode only) Form 2c, System
Numbering: Line/Trunk Jacks
■ If the system includes voice calling groups, Form 7d, Group Calling
■ If you plan to renumber the factory-set extensions, Form 2d, System
Numbering: Special Renumbers