
MERLIN LEGENDCommunications System Release 6.1
System Planning
Issue 1
August 1998
Data Communications
Page 5-41Creating Data Hunt Groups
Planning Form Instructions 5
Make enough copies of Data Form 2, Data Hunt Groups, for the number of data
hunt groups you plan. For each DHG:
1. Write the group number (1–32) in the Group Number space.
2. Write the name of the group in the Group ID space.
3. Write the factory-set extension number for the DHG in the space provided.
Check all pages of Form 7d to be sure that you have not assigned
the extension to a voice calling group.
4. If you want to reassign the factory-set extension number for the DHG, write
the new number in the Renumber To space. Also write the new extension
number you want to reassign in the calling group or DHG on Form 2d,
System Numbering: Special Renumber.
5. Under the Purpose of Group heading, indicate the group use: local host
computer access workstation, LAN access, and so forth.
6. In the Stations area, write the extension number of each member of the
group in the Ext. No. column and the name of the person or location in the
Person or Location column.
7. In the Trunks or Pool area, for each line/trunk or pool that you want to ring
directly into the DHG, write the line/trunk number or pool extension number
next to the logical ID in the Trunk or Pool column. (See Form 2b for the
line/trunk numbers and Form 2c for the pool extension number.)