Chapter 5 Power Supply / CPU
5 -29
5.8 I/O Address Allocation
I/O No. allocation means to give an address to each module in order to read data from input modules and output data to
output modules.
Mounting module Max. module can be mounted remark
Expansion I/O module 3 2 modules in economic type
A/D, D/A conversion module 3
Analog timer module 3
Not available on economic type
Communication module 1
1) I/O No. allocation method
-. Basically, I/O allocation is fixed point method.(the area which is not used can be used internal relay)
-. The special module is not allocated.
Module I/O Allocation Remark
Input P000 ~ P03F Fixed 64 points
Output P040 ~ P07F Fixed 64 points
Input P080 ~ P08F Fixed 16 points
Expansion #1
Output P090 ~ P09F Fixed 16 points
Input P100 ~ P10F Fixed 16 points
Expansion #2
Output P110 ~ P11F Fixed 16 points
Input P120 ~ P12F Fixed 16 points
Expansion #3
Output P130 ~ P13F Fixed 16 points
Special None A/D,A/T,Communication
Max. 3 expansion module is available in standard type.