Appendix 2 Flag List
Relay Function Description
F190 to F193 Borrow flag for HSC Turn on when borrow is occurred on the HSC current value
F200 to F20F Unit ID
F0210 to F021F HSC error code Stores error of HSC Ch0
F0220 to F022F HSC error code Stores error of HSC Ch1
F0230 to F023F HSC error code Stores error of HSC Ch2
F0240 to F024F HSC error code Stores error of HSC Ch3
F0250 to F027F Unused
F0280 to F045F Positioning flags Refer to 7.3.5 Flag list and error code
F0500 to F050F Maximum scan time Stores the maximum scan time.
F0510 to F051F Minimum scan time Stores the minimum scan time.
F0520 to F052F Present scan time Stores the present scan time.
F0530 to F053F Clock data (year/month) Clock data (year/month)
F0540 to F054F Clock data (day/hour) Clock data (day/hour)
F0550 to F055F Clock data (minute/second) Clock data (minute/second)
F0560 to F056F Clock data (day of the week) Clock data (day of the week)
F0570 to F058F Unused
F0590 to F059F Storing error step Stores the error step of the program.
F0600 to F063F Unused
2) Internal relay (M)
Relay Function Description
M1904 Write Time Write time to RTC when this bit turns on
M1910 Forced I/O enable Enables forced I/O