Appendix 2 Flag List
Appendix 2. Flag List
1) Special relay (F)
This flag is useful to edit user program.
Relay Function Description
F0000 RUN mode Turns on when the CPU in the RUN mode.
F0001 Program mode Turns on when the CPU in the Program mode
F0002 Pause mode Turns on when the CPU in the Pause mode
F0003 Debug mode Turns on when the CPU in the Debug mode
F0006 Remote mode Turns on when the CPU in the Remote mode
F0007~F000B Unused
F000C User memory installation Turns on when a user memory is installed.
F000D RTC installation Turns on when a RTC module is installed.
F000E Unused
F000F Execution of the STOP instruction Turns on when the STOP instruction is being operated.
F0010 Always On Always On
F0011 Always Off Always Off
F0012 1 Scan On 1 Scan On
F0013 1 Scan Off 1 Scan Off
F0014 Scan toggle Scan toggle
F0015 to F001F Unused
F0020 1 step run Turns on when the 1 step run is operated in the Debug mode.
F0021 Breakpoint run Turns on when the breakpoint run is operated in the Debug
F0022 Scan run Turns on when the scan run is operated in the Debug mode.
F0023 Coincident contact value run Turns on when the coincident contact run is operated in the
Debug mode.
F0024 Coincident word value run Turns on when the coincident word run is operated in the Debug
F0025 to F002F Unused
F0030 Fatal error Turns on when a fatal error has occurred.
F0031 Ordinary error Turns on when an ordinary error has occurred.
F0032 WDT Error Turns on when a watch dog timer error has occurred.
F0033 I/O combination error Turns on when an I/O error has occurred.
(When one or more bit(s) of F0040 to F005F turns on)
F0034 to F0038 Unused
F0039 Normal backup operation Turns on when the data backup is normal.
F003A RTC data error Turns on when the RTC data setting error has occurred.
F003B Program editing Turns on during program edit while running the program.
F003C Program edit error
Turns on when a program edit error has occurred while running
the program.
F003D to F003F Unused