Chapter 8 Communication Functions
(3) MASTER-K120S Main unit response format (MASTER-K120S of ACK response)
Format name Header Station No. Command
Number of
Number of
data Tail
Ex. of frame
ACK H10 R(r) SB H01 H02 H1122 EOT BCC
ASCII value
H06 H3130 H52(72) H5342 H3031 H3134 H31313232 H03
Item Explanation
When command is lowercase(r), only one lower byte of the value resulted by adding 1 Byte
each to ASCII values from ACK to ETX is converted into ASCII and added to BCC, and
Number of data
It means byte number of hex type, and is converted into ASCII. This number is determined
by multiplying the data number of computer request Format by the data size(in below
table) according to memory type(B,W,D) included in variable name of computer request
Data .In data area, there are the values of hex data converted to ASCII code saved.
When memory type included in variable name of computer request Format is W(Word), and data number of
computer request Format is 03, data number of PLC ACK response after execution of command is indicated by
H06(2*03 = 06 bytes)Byte and ASCII code value 3036 is entered in data area.
In just above example, when data contents of 3 words are 1234, 5678, and 9ABC in order, actual ASCII code
converted values are 31323334 35363738 39414243, and the contents are entered in data area.
Data type Available device Data size
WORD(W) %(P,M,L,K,F,T,C,D,S)W 2