Chapter 5 Power Supply / CPU
5 -16
2) parameter setting
3) Time driven interrupt
TDI occurs periodically with the constant interval assigned in parameter setting. The interrupt routine of TDI starts with the
TDINT instruction and ends with the IRET instruction.
When multiple interrupt factors occur simultaneously, interrupt routines are executed according to the priority given to the
each interrupt. If an interrupt factor has higher priority occurs while other interrupt of lower priority is executing, the interrupt
routine of lower priority will be stopped and the interrupt of higher priority will be executed first. In standard types of MK120S
series, Available TDI is P000 ~ P007 (8 points) assigned in parameter setting and period can be designated for each other.
In economic types, Available TDI is P000 ~ P003 (4 points) .
4) Process driven interrupt
In standard types of MK120S series, Available PDI is P000 ~ P007 (8 points) assigned in parameter setting.
In the parameter setting window, TDINT indicates time driven interrupt and INT indicates process driven interrupt.
PDI occurs when the input status of P000 ~ P007 is changed from Off to On or from On to Off or both.
In economic types of MK120S series, Available PDI is P000 ~ P003 (4 points), and occurs when the input status of P000 ~
P003 is changed from Off to On. It isn’t occurs falling edge of input condition.
5) HSC driven interrupt
HSCDI occurs when comparison task of HSC occurs and Available HSCDI is Ch0 ~ Ch4 (4 points) .