
viewing of performance monitor data using either Web
browsers or PC-based 3270 emulator graphics
The toolkit also provides the capability to monitor TCP/IP
for z/VM, as well as to process Linux performance data.
Application Enablement
C/C++ for z/VM Compiler (5654-A22)
CMS will host the new C/C++ for z/VM compiler (5654-
A22). This environment allows C/C++ programs to be
compiled and executed on CMS and creates portability
between z/VM and z/OS C/C++ programs. C/C++
source fi les can be read from a CMS minidisk, the SFS,
or the Byte File System (BFS) and output can be written
to any of these fi le systems. C/C++ will only execute on
z/VM V4.4 and can only be licensed to operate on stan-
dard processor engines. In order to support the C/C++
for z/VM compiler, the C/C++, the Language Environ-
ment has been updated to the level shipped with z/OS
V1.4 and is integrated into the base of z/VM V4.4.
IBM Debug Tool for z/VM V4.1 (5654-A23)
IBM Debug Tool for z/VM V4.1 (5654-A23) is an IBM inter-
active source-level debugging tool for compiled applica-
tions. It helps you increase debugging effi ciencies and aids
in reducing application-development cycle times. This pro-
gram testing and analysis aid helps you examine, monitor,
and control the execution of application programs written
in C, C++, COBOL, or PL/I on a z/VM system. By using the
disassembly view, Debug Tool can also supports programs
compiled with the NOTEST compiler option and applica-
tions that include other languages such as Assembler.
Networking with z/VM
TCP/IP for z/VM delivers expanded Internet/intranet
access, improved on demand business performance
and extended function. Performance of the TCP/IP stack
was enhanced by redesigning algorithms to reduce path
lengths, recoding procedures to optimize high-use paths,
identifying and implementing performance improvement
items, and adding virtual multiprocessing capabilities.
TCP/IP is designed to support the z/Architecture
HiperSockets function for high-speed communication
among virtual machines and logical partitions within the
same zSeries server. The HiperSockets function allows vir-
tual machines and logical partitions to communicate inter-
nally over the memory bus using the internal-queued-direct
(IQD) channel type in the z990, z890, z900, and z800. TCP/
IP broadcast support is now available for the HiperSockets
environment when utilizing Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4)
with z/VM V4.4. Applications that use the broadcast function
can now propagate frames to all TCP/IP applications.
The z890 and z990 servers include an important perfor-
mance enhancement that virtualizes adapter interruptions
and can be used with V=V guests (pageable guests) on
z/VM V4.4. With the enhancement of the TCP/IP stack in
z/VM V4.4 to use adapter interruptions for OSA-Express,
TCP/IP for VM can benefi t from this performance assist for
both HiperSockets and OSA-Express adapters.
z/VM V4.4 exploits the Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)
technology. VLANs ease the administration of logical
groups of users so that they can communicate as if they
were on the same physical LAN. VLANs help increase
traffi c fl ow and may help reduce overhead to allow the
organization of networks by traffi c patterns rather than by
physical location. To support VLAN, z/VM V4.4 provides:
Enhancements to TCP/IP for z/VM to enable member-
ship in a VLAN for QDIO and HiperSockets adapters
Enhancements to z/VM guest-LAN simulation to allow
virtual QDIO and HiperSockets adapters to participate in
Management and control of VLAN topology by the z/VM
virtual switch