
Fiber-Optic Cabling and System Connectivity
In the world of open systems and Storage Area Networks
(SANs), the changing requirements for fi ber-optic cabling
are directly related to the system hardware confi guration.
As industry-standard protocols and higher data rates
continue to be embraced in these environments, the fi ber-
optic cabling options can become numerous and complex.
Today’s marketplace is evolving towards new Small Form
Factor (SFF) fi ber-optic connectors, short wavelength (SX)
and long wavelength (LX) laser transceivers, and increas-
ing link speeds from one gigabit per second (Gbps) to 10
Gbps. New industry-standard SFF fi ber-optic connectors
and transceivers are utilized on the zSeries ESCON and
FICON Express features, on the ISC-3 feature, and on the
zSeries ETR feature. These new features must coexist with
the current infrastructure that utilizes a different “family” of
fi ber-optic connectors and transceivers.
As a result of this complex and continually changing land-
scape, IBM is providing you with multiple fi ber cabling
services options to provide fl exibility in meeting your fi ber
cabling needs.
IBM Network Integration and Deployment Services for
zSeries fi ber cabling (zSeries fi ber cabling services)
enables businesses to choose the zSeries confi guration
that best matches their computing environment without
having to worry about planning and implementing the
fi ber-optic cabling. By teaming with IBM, businesses can
receive a world class solution for their zSeries fi ber con-
nectivity requirements, including consulting and project
management, as well as the fi ber-optic jumper cables and
installation to complete the zSeries integration.
zSeries fi ber cabling now offers three options to address
a solution for your fi ber cable installation. Enterprise fi ber
cabling offers two additional options to help meet your
structured (trunking) environments requirements.
zSeries fi ber cabling options:
Fiber-optic jumper cabling package
will analyze your zSeries channel confi guration and your
existing fi ber-optic cabling to determine the appropriate
fi ber-optic jumper cables required, then supply, label
and install the fi ber-optic jumper cables and complete
the installation with a detailed connection report.
Fiber-optic jumper migration and reuse for a zSeries
upgrade will plan, organize, re-label, re-route and re-
plug your existing fi ber-optic jumper cables for reuse
with the upgraded zSeries server
Fiber-optic jumper cables and installation
will supply the fi ber-optic jumper cables you specify,
then label and install the fi ber-optic jumper cables.
Enterprise fi ber cabling options
zSeries fi ber-optic trunk cabling package
will analyze your zSeries channel confi guration and your
existing fi ber-optic infrastructure to determine the appro-
priate fi ber-optic harnesses, fi ber-optic trunk cables and
the fi ber optic patch panel boxes required, then supply,
label and install the fi ber-optic components to connect
your new zSeries server to your existing structured fi ber
cabling infrastructure.
Enterprise fi ber cabling package
will analyze your entire data center confi guration and
existing fi ber-optic infrastructure to determine the appro-
priate end-to-end enterprise solution for connectivity.
This is a customized offering that includes trunk cables,
zone cabinets, patch panels and direct attach har-
nesses for servers, directors and storage devices.
These tailored zSeries fi ber cabling options use the same
planning and implementation methodologies as IBM’s cus-
tomized enterprise fi ber cabling services, only focused on
your zSeries fi ber cabling needs.