
Although Capacity BackUp (CBU) and On/Off Capacity
on Demand can both reside on the server, the activation
of On/Off Capacity on Demand is mutually exclusive with
CBU and no physical hardware upgrade will be supported
while On/Off Capacity on Demand is active.
This important function for zSeries gives customers greater
control and ability to add capacity to meet the require-
ments of an unpredictable on demand application environ-
ment. On/Off CoD extends zSeries capacity on demand
offerings to the next level of fl exibility. It is designed to
help customers match cost with capacity utilization and
manage periodic business spikes. On/Off Capacity on
Demand is designed to provide a low risk way to deploy
new pilot applications, and it is designed to enable a cus-
tomer to grow capacity smartly and proportionately with
market demand.
Customers can also take advantage of the Capacity
Upgrade on Demand (CUoD), Customer Initiated Upgrade
(CIU), and Capacity BackUp (CBU) which are described
later in the document.
On/Off CoD Test
IBM continues to enhance On/Off CoD to be more respon-
sive to your on demand business requirements. On/Off
CoD has been enhanced to allow for a no-charge test.
No IBM charges are assessed for the test, including IBM
charges associated with temporary hardware capacity,
IBM software, or IBM maintenance. This test can be used
to validate the processes to download, activate, and deac-
tivate On/Off CoD capacity nondisruptively. Each On/Off
CoD-enabled server is entitled to one no-charge test, per
contract. This test may last up to a maximum duration of
24 hours commencing with the download and activation of
an On/Off CoD order. On/Off CoD tests which do exceed
24 hours in duration will be treated in their entirety as bill-
able On/Off CoD upgrades. In addition to validating the
On/Off CoD function within your environment, you may
choose to use this test as a training session for your per-
sonnel who are authorized to activate On/Off CoD.
On/Off CoD no-charge test can be requested and down-
loaded from the Web at Resource Link. Refer to: ibm.com/
On/Off CoD test is exclusive to z890 and z990.
The z890 is designed to offer an effi cient I/O structure
using the same I/O cages as the z990. The single I/O cage
z890, has the capability of plugging up to 28 I/O cards
which would support a maximum of 420 ESCON
nels. Seven of the eight available STIs on the z890 are
required to support the 28 channel slots in the I/O cage.
The following chart shows the upgrade paths from z800 to
z890 and from z890 to z990. The z800 Models 0X2, 0A2,
002, 003 and 004 can be upgraded to any capacity z890.
Any z890 with more than 220 MIPS can be upgraded to a
z990 Model A08. There are no upgrades from 9672 G5/G6
or z900 server.
z800 to z890 and z890 Model Upgrades
z800 z890
z800 z890
To Any Capacity Setting
e-Config will default to the next closest
capacity setting models, but the user
may change to any capacity setting desired.