
needs of the larger CBU target machine. When capacity is
needed in an emergency, the primary operation performed
is activating the emergency CBU confi guration with the
reserved PUs added into the confi guration as CPs.
Customers who have an active Remote Support Facility
connection can perform a CBU upgrade automatically and
within a matter of minutes, right from their CBU machine’s
Hardware Management Console. For more information
on how a CBU upgrade can be activated automatically,
please refer to the
z890 Capacity Backup Users Guide
found on IBM Resource Link.
The z890 supports concurrent CBU downgrade. This func-
tion enables a Capacity BackUp server to be returned to
its normal confi guration without an outage (i.e. PowerOn
Automatic Enablement of CBU for GDPS
The intent of GDPS support for CBU is to enable auto-
matic management of the reserved PUs provided by the
CBU feature in the event of a processor failure and/or a
site failure. Upon detection of a processor failure or site
failure, GDPS will activate CBU to dynamically add PUs
to the processors in the takeover site to acquire process-
ing power required to restart mission-critical production
workloads. GDPS-CBU management helps to minimize
manual customer intervention and the potential for errors,
thereby reducing the outage time for critical workloads
from hours to minutes. Similarly, GDPS-CBU management
can also automate the process of dynamically returning
the reserved CPs when the temporary period has expired.
z890 Customer Initiated Upgrade (CIU)
Customer Initiated Upgrade (CIU) is the capability to initi-
ate a processor and/or memory upgrade when spare PUs
installed unused memory are available via the Web using
IBM Resource Link. Customers will be able to download
and apply the upgrade using functions on the Hardware
Management Console via the Remote Support Facility.
This unique and important function for zSeries gives the
customer greater control and ability in adding capacity to
the system to meet resource requirements for unpredictable
e-business workloads and for applications which are dif-
fi cult to size. CIU is a low-risk, well tested-and-tried facility
for ordering capacity on demand.
On/Off CoD Testing
On/Off CoD has been enhanced to allow for a test at
no charge for temporary IBM hardware capacity, IBM
software, or IBM maintenance. This test can be used to
validate the processes to download, activate, and deac-
tivate On/Off CoD capacity nondisruptively. One free test
per serial number can have a maximum duration of 24
hours commencing with the download and activation of an
On/Off CoD order. This test can also be used as a train-
ing session for personnel who are authorized to activate
On/Off CoD. IBM continues to enhance On/Off CoD to help
enable customers to become more adaptive to their on
demand business requirements.
Order Staging for CIU-Express and On/Off CoD
All CIU-Express and On/Off CoD orders may now be
staged for greater than 30 days. In fact, the orders may be
staged for an extended period of time, unless one of the
following conditions occurs:
Order is canceled by customer
Machine is no longer under warranty or IBM Mainte-
nance Service Agreement
Permanent PU and/or memory confi gurations is
changed outside of CIU process