
IFL or ICF is installed on the permanent machine with the
restrictions that a) additional engines, of each type, cannot
exceed the number of installed permanent engines of
that same type and b) adding engines cannot exceed the
physical limit of the installed machine.
The maximum number of On/Off CoD zAAPs available for
z890 cannot exceed the number of zAAPs, with the addi-
tional restriction that the sum of zAAPs and On/Off CoD
zAAPs cannot exceed the number of CPs.
For example, capacity setting 110 is eligible for On/Off
CoD upgrades to only capacity settings 120 and 210. All
other target capacity settings would result in more than
two times the base capacity.
You will be billed for associated usage through one or
more of the following features: On/Off CoD Active CP-Day
(#9897), On/Off CoD Active IFL Day (#9888), On/Off Active
ICF-Day (#9889), or On/Off CoD Active zAAP-Day (#9893).
You will be billed for each On/Off CoD Active engine
turned on in any given 24-hour period, continuing until
such On/Off CoD Active engine is turned off. Each
month your bill will be calculated for the sum of all orders
installed within the prior month. Monitoring will occur
through the server call home facility and a bill will be gen-
erated if the hardware capacity has been enabled for any
given month. You will continue to be billed for the use of
temporary capacity until you return the server to its original
state. After concurrently returning to the original state, you
may choose to activate a new On/Off CoD upgrade, which
can be different from the previous upgrade. When you
dispose of the server, or decide that you want to disable
future temporary upgrades, you are required to remove the
enablement feature, On/Off CoD Enablement (#9896).
Although the hardware upgrade does not need a POR/
IML if there is a change in engine size, a z/OS IPL will be
On/Off CoD is delivered through the Customer Initiated
Upgrade (CIU) facility. To participate in this offering,
customers must install CIU Enablement and On/Off CoD
Enablement, and must agree to specifi c terms and condi-
tions which govern the use of temporary capacity.
For z890, you may request and concurrently install tem-
porary capacity through the CIU application on Resource
, and use that additional capacity for as long as
needed. Using this facility, you may increase a machine’s
capacity setting and add a quantity of temporary IFLs
and ICFs, up to the machine’s current capacity setting or
the number of IFLs and ICFs, respectively, on the same
machine. You may similarly request and concurrently
install a quantity of temporary zAAPs up to the quantity of
permanent zAAPs, with the limitation that the combined
quantity of temporary zAAPs plus permanent zAAPs may
not exceed the combined quantity of temporary CPs plus
permanent CPs. You will be billed for associated usage
through one or more of the following features: On/Off CoD
Use Days, (one of #6121 through #6471), On/Off CoD
Active IFL-Day (#9888), On/Off Active ICF-Day (#9889), or
On/Off CoD Active zAAP-Days (#9893).
Typically, On/Off Capacity on Demand will be ordered
through CIU, however there will be an RPQ available if no
RSF connection is present.