Appendix C. Connector feature list
This appendix details the features supported by the i2 connector. For descriptions
of these features, see “Appendix A: Connector feature checklist” in IBM WebSphere
Business Integration Adapters Connector Development Guide.
Event notification features
The following table details the event notification features supported by the
Category Feature Support Notes
Connector properties Event distribution No
PollQuantity Full
Event table Event status values N/A
Object key N/A
Object name N/A
Priority N/A The connector listens to each operation output
PollQuantity number of times.
Misc. Archiving N/A The events are not archived, and the events
are lost once they reach the connector for
CDK method
Delta event notification Full An operation needs to be created which
handles the same as the connection handles
this operation.
Event sequence N/A
Future event processing No
In-Progress event recovery N/A
Physical delete event No The incoming business object is converted to
XML, as is, and sent across for any operation.
RetrieveAll No No retrieval is done. The incoming record is
converted to XML and then to an IBM
business object.
Smart filtering Full
Verb stability Full
Service call request handling features
The following table details the service call request handling features supported by
the connector.
Category Feature Support Notes
Create Create verb Full However, there is no real Create verb but an
operation that creates a record in i2.
Delete Delete verb Full This is again operation specific.
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