
Setting dependencies
After you have finished making changes in both the General and the Value tabs,
choose Next. The Dependencies dialog appears.
A dependent property is a property that is included in the template and used in
the configuration file only if the value of another property meets a specific
condition. To designate a property as being dependent and set the condition upon
which it depends, do this:
1. In the Available Properties display, select the property that will be made
2. In the Select Property field, use the drop-down menu to select the property that
will hold the conditional value.
3. In the Condition Operator field, choose one of the following:
== (equal to)
/= (not equal to)
> (greater than)
< (less than)
>= (greater than or equal to)
<=(less than or equal to)
4. In the Conditional Value field, enter the value that is required in order for the
dependent property to be included in the template.
5. With the dependent property highlighted in the Available Properties display,
click an arrow to move it to the Dependent Property display.
6. Click Finish. Connector Configurator stores the information you have entered
as an XML document, under \data\app in the\bin directory where you have
installed Connector Configurator.
Creating a configuration file from a connector-specific
After a connector-specific template has been created, you can use it to create a
configuration file:
1. Choose File > New>Connector Configuration.
2. The New Connector dialog appears, with the following fields:
v Name
Enter the name of the connector. Names are case-sensitive. The name you
enter must be unique, must end with the word “connector”, and must be
consistent with the file name for a connector that is installed on the system;
for example, enter PeopleSoftConnector if the connector file name is
Important: Connector Configurator does not check the spelling of the name
that you enter. You must ensure that the name is correct.
v System Connectivity
Choose ICS or choose WMQI (for WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker)
v Select Connector-Specific Property Template
Type the name of the template that has been designed for your connector.
The names of all available templates are displayed in the Template Name
60 Adapter for i2 User Guide