The queue that is used by the connector to send business objects to the integration
The default value is DELIVERYQUEUE.
Specifies the transport mechanism for the delivery of events. Possible values are MQ
for WebSphere MQ, IDL for CORBA IIOP, or JMS for Java Messaging Service.
If ICS is the broker type, the value of the DeliveryTransport property can be MQ,
IDL, or JMS, and the default is IDL.
If WMQI is the broker type, JMS is the only possible Delivery Transport value.
The connector sends service call requests and administrative messages over
CORBA IIOP if the value configured for the DeliveryTransport property is MQ or
WebSphere MQ and IDL
Use WebSphere MQ rather than IDL for event delivery transport, unless you have
compelling reasons not to license and maintain two separate products. WebSphere
MQ offers the following advantages over IDL:
v Asynchronous communication – WebSphere MQ allows the application-specific
component to poll and persistently store events even when the server is not
v Server side performance – WebSphere MQ provides faster performance on the
server side. In optimized mode, WebSphere MQ stores only the pointer to an
event in the repository database, while the actual event remains in the
WebSphere MQ queue. This saves the overhead of having to write potentially
large events to the repository database.
v Agent side performance – WebSphere MQ provides faster performance on the
application-specific component side. Using WebSphere MQ, the connector’s
polling thread picks up an event, places it in the connector’s queue, then picks
up the next event. This is faster than IDL, which requires the connector’s polling
thread to pick up an event, go over the network into the server process, store
the event persistently in the repository database, then pick up the next event.
Enables communication between the connector controller and client connector
framework using Java Messaging Service (JMS).
If you select JMS as the delivery transport, additional JMS properties such as
″jms.MessageBrokerName,″″jms.FactoryClassName,″″jms.Password,″ and
″jms.UserName,″ display in Connector Configurator. The first two of these
properties are required for this transport.
Important: There may be a memory limitation if you use the JMS transport
mechanism for a connector in the following environment:
v AIX 5.0
v WebSphere MQ
v InterChange Server (ICS) as the Integration broker
40 Adapter for i2 User Guide