v ODA\i2\start_i2ODA.bat (Windows only)
v ODA/i2/start_i2ODA.sh (UNIX only)
1. Except as otherwise noted, this document uses backslashes (\) as the
convention for directory paths. For UNIX installations, substitute slashes (/) for
2. All product path names are relative to the directory where the product is
installed on your system.
Other installation requirements
v i2 provides the MetadataService adapter to obtain the metadata information
from the registry. You need to install this adapter on an instance of the i2
application. Be sure to start the adapter prior to using the MetadataService.
v The bindings file for the port MetadataService, for example, TDMMetadata.xml,
which contains the port, operation, and type information, needs to be in the i2
configuration directory.
v The Visibroker Object Activation Daemon needs to run on the machine that is
running the agent and the one on which Business Object Designer is installed.
Launching i2 ODA
Before you begin: Ensure that the i2 ODA and XML schema ODA are installed on
your system.
You can launch i2 ODA in either of the following ways:
v Automatically—If you registered i2 ODA with the Visibroker Object Activation
Daemon (OAD), you do not need to start i2 ODA manually. OAD maintains a
list of registered ODA names and listens for requests to start the ODA. When
you select the ODA’s name in Business Object Designer, OAD starts the ODA.
For information on registering i2 ODA, see IBM WebSphere System Installation
Guide for UNIX or for Windows.
v Manually—If you have not registered i2 ODA with the Visibroker Object
Activation Daemon, start it by running the appropriate file:
UNIX: start_i2ODA.sh
Windows: start_i2ODA.bat
You have to add the proper path to the start files for CIS-SDK and j2ee.jar
Example: The following path information needs to be added to start_i2.bat file:
set I2_CIS_HOME_DIR=C:\i2\CIS\6.0\cis-sdk
Note: These are just examples. You should change the path information
depending on your local installation.
You configure and run i2 ODA using Business Object Designer. Business Object
Designer locates each ODA by the name specified in the AGENTNAME variable of
each script or batch file. The default ODA name for this connector is i2ODA.
During installation, if you register the ODA with the Visibroker Object Activation
Daemon, the wizard automatically prefixes the host name to the AGENTNAME
value to make it unique.
18 Adapter for i2 User Guide