The following diagram shows the business object that the XML schema
ODA generates for i2_order.xsd. The XML data handler uses the
combination of the element next to CISDocument and BOPrefix to get the
business object name.
I2BO_TLO_CISDocument_Order (1 card)
Save the business object files
Now that all the required business objects are generated, you need to save them to
the InterChange server for use by the collaborations. Use the Business Object
Designer utility to copy the business objects to the server. You can concatenate the
files together into a single file and copy them to the server.
Guideline: Be sure to run the XML schema ODA prior to saving the wrapper
business objects to the server.
Property Value
FileName D:\i2\odaschema\i2persist_in_persistOrder_Order_Order.xsd
Root CISDocument
TopLevel in_persistOrder_Order
BOSelection false
BOPrefix i2persist
TraceFileName XMLODAtrace.txt
TraceLevel 5
MessageFile XMLODAAgent.txt
At this stage, you can decide whether to run different operations on different
instances. You can clone the MO_Instance and set a default value for the instance
ID on these. You will need to replace the default MO_Instance with the newly
created ones in the wrapper business objects for the operations.
24 Adapter for i2 User Guide