
support the retrieval of management data
required by the WfM specification. To run
IBM Director Agent, a system must
support SMBIOS, version 2.2 or later.
target system
A managed system on which an IBM
Director task is performed.
time to live (TTL)
A technique used by best-effort delivery
protocols to inhibit endlessly looping
packets. The packet is discarded if the
TTL counter reaches 0.
triple data encryption standard (DES)
A block cipher algorithm that can be used
to encrypt data transmitted between
managed systems and the management
server. Triple DES is a security
enhancement of DES that employs three
successive DES block operations.
TTL See time to live.
universal unique identifier (UUID)
A 128-bit character string guaranteed to
be globally unique and used to identify
components under management.
The time during which a system is
working without failure.
upward integration
The methods, processes and procedures
that enable lower-level
systems-management software, such as
IBM Director Agent, to work with
higher-level systems-management
software, such as Tivoli Enterprise
Microsoft SMS.
upward integration module
Software that enables higher-level
systems-management software, such as
Tivoli Enterprise or Microsoft Systems
Manager Server (SMS), to interpret and
display data provided by IBM Director
Agent. This module also can provide
enhancements that start IBM Director
Agent from within the higher-level
systems-management console, as well as
collect IBM Director inventory data and
view IBM Director alerts.
user class
A z/VM privilege category assigned to a
guest virtual machine user in the user’s
directory entry; each class specified
allows access to a logical subset of all the
CP commands.
UUID See universal unique identifier.
virtual device number
In z/VM, a device number used by a
guest virtual machine. Real devices can be
referred to by different virtual device
numbers by different guest virtual
virtual server template
A set of z/VM virtual server definitions
that provides configuration defaults for a
unique z/VM virtual server instance.
z/VM Center uses virtual server
templates to create z/VM virtual servers.
vital product data (VPD)
Information that uniquely defines the
system, hardware, software, and
microcode elements of a processing
VPD See vital product data.
Wake on LAN
A technology that enables a user to
remotely turn on systems for off-hours
maintenance. A result of the Intel-IBM
Advanced Manageability Alliance and
part of the Wired for Management
Baseline Specification, users of this
technology can remotely turn on a server
and control it across the network, thus
saving time on automated software
installations, upgrades, disk backups, and
virus scans.
walk An SNMP operation that is used to
discover all object instances of
management information implemented in
the SNMP agent that can be accessed by
the SNMP manager.
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
An application programming interface
(API) in the Windows operating system
that enables devices and systems in a
network to be configured and managed.
WMI uses the Common Information
Glossary 287