
3. Type the following:
sh RaidAgnt.sh
4. Press Enter.
On Linux systems, the ServeRAID Manager agent runs as a background process
(daemon). It starts automatically when the system is started. It is loaded from the
following location:
More information
v Using the ServeRAID Manager agent
v Configuring the ServeRAID Manager agent
v Verifying that the ServeRAID Manager agent is running
Viewing the ServeRAID Manager event log
Note: This action is not supported in bootable-CD mode.
Use this action to view events in the ServeRAID Manager agent event log.
1. From the Actions menu, click Agent actions View agent event log. The Agent
event log window opens.
2. If you want to save the event log to a file, click File Save As. The default is
3. Click File Close to close event log window.
More information
v Configuring the ServeRAID Manager agent
v Configuring the ServeRAID Manager agent general settings
v Using the ServeRAID Manager agent
Receiving events from a removed system
When a remote system is in the Enterprise view, you always receive events that
occur on that remote system. With the Remove remote system action, you can
choose between Continue to receive events from remote system or Do not
continue to receive events from remote system. If you choose the first option, you
can monitor for problems on remote systems without having the system in your
Enterprise view.
The default is to continue receiving events.
If you choose not to continue receiving events, the ServeRAID Manager on your
local system must connect to the remote system. If the ServeRAID Manager
successfully connects, it removes your local system from the remote system
notification list. Because the notification list determines what systems receive
events from that remote system, your local system stops receiving events.
If the ServeRAID Manager cannot connect to the remote system and is therefore
unable to remove your system from the notification list, another window opens
asking if you want to remove the system from the Enterprise view even though
you will continue receiving events.
Chapter 4. Managing ServeRAID devices 207