
Before you can use the ROM update wizard, you must download the latest
software images from your vendor’s software support site on the World Wide Web.
For direct-attachd storage devices, the image upgrade files typically come in sets of
two or more and have a .ufi file extension. For external storage enclosures, the
(single) image upgrade file has a .upgrade file extension.
To update the controller software for direct-attached or network-attached storage
1. In the Enterprise view, click
(Direct attached storage object) or
(Networked storage object)
2. Right-click Update controller images. The ROM Update wizard opens.
3. Click Next.
4. Choose the ROM image update files.
5. Click Next; then, select the controllers or enclosures you want to update.
6. Click Next; then, review the update summary.
7. Click Apply. The ServeRAID Manager applies the software update to the
selected controllers or enclosures.
8. Restart the server(s) or enclosures to activate the new ROM image.
Recovering storage with fail back:
Note: This action is not supported on enclosures with a single controller
For enclosures with a dual controller configuration, use this action to restore an
array to its preferred owner. When a controller fails in an enclosure (or is
intentionally removed), its arrays and logical drives automatically fail over to the
other controller. This action moves the arrays and logical drives back to the
controller to which they were originally assigned.
Note: You cannot use fail back until the failed controller is replaced or repaired.
To fail back storage in an enclosure:
1. In the Enterprise view, click
2. Right-click Fail back storage.
3. Click Yes when prompted to confirm the action.
More information
v Moving an array to a different controller
Foreign arrays and Alien arrays:
Foreign arrays
You can export RAID data and transfer the drives and RAID configuration to
another enclosure. When you export an array, it is called a
foreign array
. The array icon is grayed out in the Logical devices view. You cannot perform any
action on a foreign array, except view array components.
When you physically remove the component drives from the enclosure, the
ServeRAID Manager removes the foreign array icon from the console. When you
202 ServeRAID Manager Installation and User's Guide