Table 7. Keyboard shortcuts for scroll panes (continued)
Action Keyboard shortcut
Move left or right. Left arrow or right
Navigate to the beginning or end of data. Ctrl+Home or
Navigate up or down one block. PgUp or PgDn
Navigate to the left or right. Ctrl+PgUp or
Table 8. Keyboard shortcuts for split panes
Action Keyboard shortcut
Navigate forward out of the split pane. Tab or Ctrl+Tab
Navigate backward out of the split pane. Shift+Tab or
Navigate between split panes. Tab or F6
Navigate to the splitter bar. F8
Toggle the focus between two split bars (for windows with three
split panes).
Resize the split pane vertically. Up arrow or down
Resize the split pane horizontally. Left arrow or right
Maximize the size of the split pane . Home
Minimize the size of the split pane. End
Table 9. Keyboard shortcuts for notebooks (tabbed panes)
Action Keyboard shortcut
Navigate into the tabbed pane. Tab
Navigate out of the tabbed pane. Ctrl+Tab
Navigate to the left or right tab. Left arrow or right
Navigate to the tab above or below. Up arrow or down
Navigate from the tab to the page. Enter or Ctrl+Down
Navigate from the page to the tab. Ctrl+Up
Navigate to the previous or next page. Ctrl+PgUp or
Table 10. Keyboard shortcuts for frames
Action Keyboard shortcut
Display a window menu. Alt+Space bar
Activate the default button (if defined). Enter
254 ServeRAID Manager Installation and User's Guide